We can’t always be sure of the weather when we’re booking our vacations. Sometimes the weather just doesn’t agree and you get rain. This is exactly what happened on my latest trip to Cancun, it started raining. It’s not all lost though, there’s still some activities you can do if you don’t mind getting a little wet. This is what we did on a rainy day in Cancun.
First thing we did after waking up to a rainy day in Cancun was get a cab to head into Cancun from the hotel strip. We were going to go downtown Cancun for breakfast but our cab driver told us it was flooding and suggested we go to the mall instead.

There are twin malls in the hotel strip located a couple blocks from each other, they have almost the exact same stores. The only difference is one is outside and the other is an inside mall. Yeah, you’re probably thinking why would anyone pick an outdoor mall when it’s raining? We went with the outdoor mall because it’s slightly better, it has more things to do and more restaurants. Although we did end up going to the indoor mall after just to check it out.
I wanted to eat lobster but my girlfriend didn’t feel that would be appropriate for breakfast. The restaurant was still closed anyways so we ended up settling for Johnny Rockets. It might not be a big deal to my American readers, but we don’t have this in Canada. We ate here twice on our short trip actually. We also got donuts from Krispy Kreme. They used to have a Krispy Kreme where I’m from in Canada but they took it out and left Canada. Then they came back and left again and now they’re coming back. It’s like make up your mind already. My girlfriend swears Krispy Kreme in Mexico doesn’t taste as good as back home. Personally, I think it tastes just as sugar coma inducing as any other Krispy Kreme. I never did end up getting my lobsters either this trip.
Sunbathing on a Rainy Day in Cancun

Did you know you can still sunbathe on a cloudy day? A majority of the sun’s rays still penetrate the clouds. Think about it, it’s not like the clouds block out all sunlight. It doesn’t get dark just because it’s cloudy. So we made the most out of this rainy day by laying out by the pool and sunbathing. Mostly my girlfriend, I hate getting my tan on. I have tattoos all over my body and I have to wear spf 75 sunscreen so they don’t fade in the sun, I can’t even tan if I wanted to.
The great thing about a rainy day in Cancun is everyone stays in their room. The pool isn’t crowded, the hotel staff can attend to my drinks right away and I don’t need to worry about a person laying beside me on a pool chair trying to start small talk while I’m reading on my e-reader. It’s actually pretty peaceful.
Rain in Cancun is never like water coming out of a watering pot to water your nice flowers. It’s like taking a bucket and dumping the whole thing on your flower at once. What I mean by this is the rain just seems to come down hard and heavy for a quick burst and then it stops. I swear it’s like either 0 or 100, never in between. So when it started to come down again, we decided it’s best to get inside. We were defeated this time by a rainy day in Cancun, but we weren’t ready to give up yet.
Indoor Activities
There’s only so many things you can do inside in your resort before you get bored. Every resort has a spa, too bad we went to the spa the day before when it was sunny outside. That and I wasn’t recovered from my massage yet. Let me tell you something, those Mexican women may be small but they have some crazy hand strength. My calves felt like jelly for 2 days.
That left us with the option of going to the resort’s lobby lounge for some drinks and board games. Now let me state this right off the bat, you can only play 3 rounds of 2 player Jenga before you get so bored that you want to throw those blocks into the ocean.

Played 3 rounds of Jenga while having drinks. Girlfriend got so bored she went back on her phone and I was left just people watching. Across the bar from me was an older lady telling the bartender how it’s her 5th time staying at the resort and she was showing him photos of the old workers there and asking if they still worked there. I found this odd, did she catalogue all the workers she met or did she take a group photo with them?
The bartender finally broke away from her to refill my scotch. I’m more of a single malt scotch drinker but I’ll take what I can get, in this case it was Johnny Walker black. I got drunk by myself a few days earlier off margaritas, after that hangover I was ready to drink other things. Luckily at this point my girlfriend was getting sleepy and wanted to go back to the room to nap, so I ordered one more drink and up to our room we went.
Surviving a rainy day in Cancun
Now at this point you’re probably thinking I wasn’t having the greatest time. The simple fact of the matter was, I wasn’t. I was just trying to survive until dinner time. We had a reservation at the best restaurant on the resort and I was excited to try it.
If you noticed I told you at the beginning that these were some activities you could do when it’s raining while you’re on vacation. I didn’t say they were all that enjoyable. But I mean, anything is better than being in your room doing nothing, some people might say that’s relaxing but I’m not one of those people. My view on vacationing is I paid for this and spent hours cramped on the middle seat of a plane because my girlfriend needs to have the window seat, I’m not going to be staying in my room. I want to go out and see things and do things, even if I’m not enjoying it but at least I’m doing something and experiencing something new.
What do you guys like to do when it’s raining on your vacation? Let me know in the comments below. If you want to see the rest of the photos from this trip you can check them out in my Mexico portfolio
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