Project Description

If I could choose my favorite place in all of Iceland, it would be the black beach of Vik. It’s not your typical beach. It’s not even comprised of black sand, its little tiny black pebbles that have this annoying ability to creep into your shoes like tiny hitchhikers as you explore this region.

The weather helps to produce great moody images, perfect for black and white photography. The thing about the weather in Iceland though is that it’s constantly changing. I first stepped foot on this beach in a very overcast and cold day, I was wearing my winter bomber jacket and after an hour I found myself overdressed. I paused to watch the sea before taking any photos. It was amazing to watch just how aggressive it was. I’ve read that the waves are strong enough to pull you from the beach and drag you out into the ocean, something worthy of my respect. I wanted to capture the waves and movement in the ocean and even though it looks calm in this photo, she was ferocious that day.